PSA L&P - Budget: About Budget Entry (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Budget Questions

How can I enter a budget?

You can either create and edit the budget in the software or you can use the Import/Export function to export the budget accounts to a spreadsheet, update the budget numbers there, then import the Budget. 

When I enter my budget amounts in ParishSOFT Accounting, they don't save.

Make sure you do not use commas in your amounts.

If I export a file how does the software know whether the budget file is Current, Next Years', or Next Year +1 when importing the file? 

The software assigns an export file an ID number: When the file is imported the software will use that file ID number to put the budget in the correct year. Please note: the year is based on your current accounting period. 

This means that if you Export the Next Year budget, then close the year before importing that budget back into the software, when you finally do import the budget, it will import as the current year budget, not the Next Year Budget.  The software knows the year to which it belongs (based on the ID number it was assigned during export). 

This also means you cannot export the Next Year Budget and expect to use that same budget to import as other, future Next Year Budgets.  Each year will need to be exported and imported individually.  If you wish to copy the same budget from year to year, you should use the Same as Last Year Budget button on the Budget Entry screen

How does the software transfer Next Years' budget? 

When you close the fiscal year, the software moves the current "Next Years Budget" into the new fiscal years "Current Budget".

Can I add an account in the exported file?

No, you have to create the account in the software before you export. Or, you may import the Budget for those accounts you have already updated, then add the new account in the software and update the Budget through the screen for the one account.

The software is giving an error message when trying to import.

The import file must be in the file format of .XLSX.  Excel versions 2007 and beyond have this file extension available. Prior versions of Excel do not. However, you can open a 2003 file with Excel version 7 (or later versions) and then save the file as an "xlsx" format. If a budget has been locked, you will get an error message and will not be able to import.

How can I remove the hyperlinks in the Excel exported file? 

When you export, it is best to use the CSV format and make sure to save the file (don't open it directly from the software); then open the saved file in Excel. This way you will have a nice format to work with and you won't have the hyperlinks you would have if exported directly to Excel. Related Article: How to remove hyperlinks from an excel file

Can I edit the budget spreadsheet after I've imported it? 

If the budget is unlocked, you can edit it, but it will no longer match your import file.  If you want a "date-stamped" excel record of the recorded budget, simply export it again.

The import process is generating an error message about a line in the file or an error message preventing the import, how do I fix it? 

Review the line for errors. Check for blank cells. Try fixing it by exporting a new spreadsheet, then copying and pasting your work on the first budget spreadsheet into the new exported file. Check to see that the budget is unlocked, if it locked you will have to unlock it to get past the import error message.


The annual budget isn't what I am expecting, why?

It could be that you have transposed a number or missed an account.  Perhaps asking a coworker to take a look would help (sometimes we see the same thing incorrectly).

Perhaps you have a filter set, remove all filters at the top of the budget entry screen (Click Show All)

How can I save a budget for the information I have entered so far?

Scroll to the bottom of the Budget Entry screen and click on the Submit button. This will save any information you have entered in the budget thus far.


Related Resources

Budget Entry - Part One: Enter, Export, and Import

Budget Entry - Part Two: Enter, Export, and Import


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