PSFS Family Directory - Sacraments: How to enter a marriage sacrament from the member details

How to enter a marriage sacrament from the member details

  1. The marriage record should be entered from only one of the two members.  They can start from either spouse by opening that person's Member Details page. You can access Member Details through the Family Details or the Member List in Family Directory.
  2. Click the "Sacraments" tab near the middle of the page.  Click "Edit Details". The user will need to enter the basic marriage details to create the sacramental record (completed, date, etc) and click Save.
  3. Once this basic information has been saved, the record will be created, and the rest of the marriage details (spouse, etc) may be entered.  Click the "Sacraments" tab again, and click "Details" to the far right of the marriage information already entered:
  4. The marriage record will open in a new tab.  Remember, the marital status entered on this record will automatically update the marital status for both spouses. To enter the spouse, click the little person icon beside the "Spouse" field:
  5. This opens a Member Search window where you can search for and select the correct spouse. Enter the spouse's last name and select his/her Member Status and click Search.  Once the spouse's name has been found, click the circle beside his/her name and click Accept:
  6. The spouse's name will then display on the marriage record in the spouse field.  The Spouse Details area will also be populated with information from his/her member record.  Lastly, the baptism data, as entered in his/her baptism record, will also be brought in to the marriage record:
  7. Once all of the necessary information has been entered for the marriage record, click Save and close the record which will return to the Sacraments page.  You may add other sacraments if desired.  If you would like to return to the Member Details page, close the tab that has the Sacraments page open.  You should see the following message indicating the page can be refreshed to display changes made to the sacramental record:





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