PSA L&P - Checks: How to change the void date of a check


How to change the void date of a check

Checks don't actually have a void date attached to them. When a check is voided, it is flagged as voided and a reversing journal entry is created. This journal entry is dated according to the void date you enter or select. 

If you selected the wrong void date, one way to resolve this is to edit the journal entry and change the date to the correct date. Before doing so, the following must be taken into consideration:

  • The journal you wish to edit needs to be in an open month. If the journal is in a closed month, see the section below on how to correct a voiding entry when the entry is in a closed month.
  • The date to which you are changing the journal may need to be in an open month depending on your permissions:
    1. The Church Administrator role may date a journal in a closed month unless the next bullet point is true
    2. If your organization is under a governing organization, such as a(n) (Arch)Diocese, you may not be able to change the date to a closed month if that permission has been removed by your governing organization.
  • Do not change the date to a date that is prior to the check date. This will cause reporting issues.
  • If you do not have restrictions on entry due to date considerations, continue to the section on how to update the journal.

How to update the journal

  1. Pull up the journal.
  2. Edit the date to your desired date and click Submit.

Note: Changing the journal entry date will not change the void date on the find check screen. You may want to put a line item comment on the bill to note the journal entry number and the new date that voids the check/bill.



How to correct a voiding entry when the entry is in a closed month 

If the voiding journal entry is in a closed month, and if you have the permissions to add new journal entries in a closed month, you may do the following: (see 1-3 in the first section of this article for the caveat on permissions)

  1. Create a journal entry which reverses the voiding journal entry, dating it the same as the voiding journal entry.
  2. Create a journal entry which mirrors the voiding journal entry, giving it the correct date.

For example:

  • Check 1020 written 07/12/2018
  • Check 1020 was voided with void date 8/15/2018 creating JE 5010 which debits checking and credits expenses
  • July & August are now closed.
  • The void date should have been 7/12/2018 instead of 08/15/2018.

If you have proper permissions you may:

  1. Create a journal entry dated 8/15/2018 which reverses JE 5010: credits checking and debits expenses
  2. Create a journal entry dated 7/12/2018 which mirrors JE 5010: debits checking and credits expenses 
  • The date to which you are changing the journal may need to be in an open month depending on your permissions:
    • The Church Administrator role may date a journal in a closed month unless the next bullet point is true
    • If your organization is under a governing organization, such as a(n) (Arch)Diocese, you may not be able to change the date to a closed month if that permission has been removed by that governing organization.
    • Do not change the date to a date that is prior to the check date. This will cause reporting issues.







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