My deposit or bill is missing
On rare occasions, when a transaction (such as a bill or a deposit) is submitted, only the transaction number gets recorded.
- This usually happens when there is a slow internet connection or an interruption to the connection.
- A bill with a comment with over 250 characters may also cause this issue.
When this happens the transaction header is saved but the details are not. This means that the ledger has not been updated with accounts or amounts.
While you can see the transaction in the Church Manager Audit Report, the transaction is not reflected in account balances on reports.
To find the transaction in the Audit, go into:
Church Manager → Audit → (leave the default of All... for Users and Area and do not fill in the Audit Date), and the transaction number shown in the example below as 12345
Note: If you have a Church Manager Tab, please see our Help File on How to audit activity in ParishSOFT Accounting. If you do not have the Church Manager Tab consult with a church administrator or your diocese for assistance.
Missing Deposit: When searching the Audit for a deposit that did not get fully recorded, you will find a Receipt but not a Receipt Item (receiptitem). You will not see the transaction on a Deposit Register and will not be able to locate it using the Find Deposit.
Missing Bill: When searching the Audit for a bill that did not get fully recorded, you will find a Bill but not a Bill Item (billitem). You will not see the transaction in the Bills List and you will not see the Bill in the Find Bill search results.
Resolution: If your issue meets the criteria outlined above, you may simply re-enter the bill or deposit. You may want to record the original transaction number in the comments of the new transaction as a reminder for later as to why there is a missing transaction number.