Enter Employer Information
When you go into Payroll, Setup, Employer Information, you will find the following sections (see screenshots below):
- General: Name, Address, Phone
- ACH Info: Required if you plan to issue checks via Direct Deposit through ACH Processing with your Bank
- Contact Info: Name, Phone, Fax, Email
- Tax IDs: Employer category, Federal and State Tax IDs, Business eFile Number, Unemployment Wage Max, and Unemployment Rate
Additional 941 Information including:
- Part 2: Deposit Schedule Information (Monthly or Semiweekly)
- Part 4: Third Party Information (Designee Name, Phone, and 5-Digit PIN)
- Part 5: Return Signer Info (Name, Title, Phone)
- Paid Preparer Info
Also, a field to check if you are self-employed
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