PSA L&P - Accounts: How to change an account description, shortcut, entity, or any other segment

How to change an account description, shortcut, entity, or any other segment

Go into Accounts and bring up the account.

If you are part of a diocese, the diocese allows or restricts permissions for changing Account Information, such as an Account Description. If the Description shows a white background you may edit this field. If not, as in the example above, you must contact your diocese and ask them to update it for you.

Please Note: Sometimes the restrictions are for certain types of accounts and for others, modifications may be made.


If you are not part of a diocese, you may update the Account Description or any other field that shows with a white background, as long as your login credentials have permissions to do so. If not, you may need to ask someone with Administrative Access to update the Description.

Below is an example of an account where every field may be changed.

Caution: it is important to check to ensure the Account Number does not already exist before making the change. For example, if you wanted to change the Entity in the account below to 1, first look in your existing accounts for the account E-1-32-00-01 to make sure it doesn't already exist. If it already exists, you must transfer the balance from E-6-32-00-01 instead of changing the Entity, then archive the E-6-32-00-01.




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