PSFS Religious Ed - Classes & Sessions | Copy: How to copy sessions from one term to another

How to copy sessions from one term to another

Pro-tip: Create the new term ensuring to mark the Use Sessions option.

  1. Select Classes & Sessions from the Navigation Bar. If the current default term is not the one from which you want to copy sessions, select the term:
  2. Select the sessions you want to copy then click Apply:
    • To copy all sessions, click the checkbox in the column header.
    • To copy most sessions, click the checkbox in the column header then unmark any you don't want to replicate.
    • To copy only a few sessions, click those checkboxes:
  3. Click the copy button in the upper right of the page:
  4. In the pop-up window, select the new term:
  5. Review the options to include and unmark any you do not want to duplicate in this new term:
  6. Review the information on the pop-up window. At the top is listed all of the sessions you have selected to copy into the new term. Once you are satisfied all of the information is correct, click Done.


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