Customer Onboarding Individual - Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Step #2

Step #2: Prepare Your Data

Follow the steps below to prepare your data for Migration

  1. Make sure all ParishSOFT Desktop staff users have both a Family and a Member record and their own staff assignment with login credentials.
  • This is required for the staff record to be displayed in the new Family Suite platform.

    Pass will no longer be a valid password.
  • Run Duplicate Checker to eliminate any duplicates within your parish data.
  • Record the following counts from desktop prior to migration. They will be used for post-migration review in Family Suite:
  • Family Directory Counts  To learn where to get these counts in the desktop software, click here.

    “Both” Families
    “Registered” Families
    “Registered” Families in the “Active” Family Group
    Print a list of Families/Members who Receive Envelopes
    Family Workgroups

    Offering & Pledges Counts

    Contribution Totals
    Pledge Totals

    Family Directory Module:

    1. Verify all families have a last name.
      • You can check by sorting your Family Directory screen on the Family header. Any families without a last name will appear at the top of your list

    Prepare your Offering and Pledges Module:

    1. We suggest you unhide batches prior to migration. 
    • Hidden batches will not display in Family Suite and will require a paid professional service to unhide after migration
  • Review and update Fund Numbers, Family Suite only allows numbers and dashes.
    • For example, 123.4  or 123/4 will not migrate; the acceptable format is 123-4.
  • Review and update Fund Descriptions, Family Suite only allows letters, numbers, and dashes.
  • Religious Education Module:

    1. Print out any open Tuition invoices from the Desktop.  Run a Full List Tuition Report for each year you have recorded Tuition in the Desktop.  Please refer to pages 166-170 in your Religious Education User Guide for instructions.
      • You will be able to see your tuition funds, payments and invoices in the Family Suite Offering module as non-deductible funds.

    Time & Talent Module:

    1. Print/Save a copy of at least three months of your schedules before the migration, so the person doing the scheduling has time to learn to use the new system.

    If you would like to read all the steps in the Migration Process, click the following link: ParishSOFT Family Suite Transition Steps


    Related Articles

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Step 1

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Step 3

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Step 4

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Step 5

    Duplicate Checker Instructions

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Data Validation Checklist

    Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Migration Reports Overview


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