PSA Payroll - Employee: How to make an employee record inactive

How to make an employee record inactive

  1. Go into the Payroll Module
  2. Click on Employees
  3. Find the Employee you want to make inactive and click the word Go to the left of the name
  4. Click on the Emp/Cust Tab.
  5. Click the box to the left of Active to remove the check mark
  6. Click Submit

Please Note:

If the employee is listed on a current payroll with a timecard or payroll check they will remain on the payroll even if they are marked inactive.
Marking them as inactive after the payroll has been started will not remove them if a timecard exists or if the payroll has been calculated prior to them being marked as inactive.
The payroll check and the timecard will need to be deleted if they were created and the employee should not be paid on the open payroll.

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