About the Family Workgroups Page
Family workgroups are user-created groupings of families–not individuals–in your database. Family workgroups are teams composed of families that share a common mission, interest, or responsibilities. The Family Workgroups page enables you to create and manage your family workgroups.
Overview of the Family Workgroups Page
Overview of the Family Workgroups Page
The Family Workgroups page is a list of all of your organization's workgroups and workgroup members. As shown in the illustration below, the page is divided into three main sections:
● Workgroups
● Families listed in Workgroup
The illustration below identifies the main areas on this page.
The Workgroups section lists all of the workgroups you have created thus far in your organization.
Toolbar buttons at the top of this section enable you to manage your workgroups. You can add new workgroups and remove workgroups that are no longer active. You can also combine individual workgroups to form a single workgroup.
The following illustration identifies the main elements in the Workgroups section. Place your mouse pointer over a link (without clicking) to view a description of the element. Click the link to jump to detailed information for the element on this page.
Workgroups Toolbar (A)
Toolbar buttons let you manage your family workgroups:
● Delete Selected Workgroup(s)
● Combine Multiple Workgroups to a Single Workgroup
List of Workgroups (B)
Each workgroup listed in the Workgroups section has a link. Selecting the link lets you see the names of families that belong to the workgroup. The names are listed in the Families in Workgroup section to the right.
Edit Button (C)
The Edit button appears to the left of the name of each workgroup. Click this button to open a window where you can change the workgroup name and/or description.
Families in Workgroups
The Families in Workgroups section on the right lists the names of families that belong to the workgroup currently selected in the Workgroups section.
As shown in the following illustration, the Festival Committee workgroup is selected in the Workgroups section, and the families belonging to this workgroup are listed in the Families in Workgroup section on the right. The illustration also identifies the main elements in the Families in Workgroup section. Place your mouse pointer over a link (without clicking) to view a description. Click the link to jump to detailed information for the element on this page.
Rolodex Filters (A)
As your list of families in a workgroup grows in size, you will find filtering and sorting helpful for focusing on particular information in the list. The Rolodex filters, located above the list of families in a selected workgroup, provide a way to selectively manage list views.
When used together with the column sort function, the filters let you drill down and see only those records you want to work with. For example, you can set up the filter to view only those families in the selected workgroup whose last name begins with R, as shown in the following illustration of the Assisted Living/Nursing Home workgroup:
You can also sort records on any column in the list (for example, Last Name in ascending order) in a way that makes the information more easily accessible. For instructions column sorting, see Sorting the Display of Records.
Families in Workgroup Toolbar (B)
The Families in Workgroup toolbar is located under the row of Rolodex filters, as shown in the following illustration.
The toolbar contains buttons and menus for performing common tasks associated with Families in Workgroup list functions
Records Per Page (C)
You can change the number records (default = 10) that are displayed on a page. To do this, select the desired option from the # Records menu:
To speed up page loading, select a lower value.
List of Quick Reports (D)
From this list, you can quickly create a set of family workgroup mailing labels or a family workgroup mailing list:
Related Articles
How to Add and Delete Family Workgroups
How to Edit a Family Workgroup
How to Combine Family Workgroups to Create a Single Workgroup