PSFS Family Directory - Member List: Field descriptions for member details

Field descriptions for member details

This article describes the fields in the Member Details record.




The fields in the following table are listed Tab key order. An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

If the member is not registered in the logged-in user's organization, only the fields with red text labels can be edited.



Personal Tab

Member Photo (Change/Delete)

Upload or remove a photo from the form.

Member DUID

Member's Dio unique ID. Non-editable field.

Special Needs

Check the box to indicate that the member has a special need. Then in the box below, enter a description of the special need (for example, allergy, requires wheelchair access, hearing impaired).


Male, Female, Unknown.


Courtesy or professional title.

First Name*

Member's proper name.

Nick Name

Member's nickname.

Middle Name

Member's middle name.

Last Name*

Member's surname.


Name suffix that follows the member's full name (for example, Jr.).

Maiden Name

Member's surname before marriage.


Select the member's family role (for example, daughter).


Member's membership status in the organization (for example, active).

Birth Date

Member's date of birth selected from the calendar.

Birth Place

Member's place of birth.


Member's age. Non-editable field that is calculated based on birth date entered.

Date of Death

Member's date of death selected from the calendar.


Member's religious affiliation.


Member's ethnic or the racial category the member most closely identifies with.

Marital Status

Member's marital status.

Envelope #

Type the member's envelope number or select Next to let the application assign the next available envelope number to the member.


Select Next to obtain a system-generated envelope number.


Check the box to include the member on envelope list sent to vendor for more envelopes.


General Tab


Father Name

Full name of member's father. Click  to conduct a database search to enable the application to assign the father's name.

Mother Name

Full name of member's mother. Click to conduct a database search to enable the application to assign the mother's name.

Mother Maiden Name

Maiden name of member's mother.

Sacrament Remarks

Type any sacrament-related notes in this field.

Education & Career


Career Type

Select a career type from the menu. The career type options shown in the menu are configured under Lookup Management.


Type career-related information in this field (for example, the name of the member's employer).


Select a school. The names of schools shown in the menu are configured under Lookup Management.


Select years of education (education level achieved).

Grad Year

Year the member graduated from high school. This is figured on the member's birthdate, but also on the Organization's date parameters in Organization details: Administration → Organization → edit details → cut off dates.

Additional Information



The login name associated with the user's account.

Soc Sec #

Member's social security number.

If you edit the social security number, you must enter all nine digits into the field. The system does not allow you to change individual numbers.

Aux ID

Auxiliary ID. An external ID (for example, a driver's license number) used to identify the member.

Vendor ID

Vendor Integration ID. An external ID (for example, from an external accounting system) that, from a data perspective, facilitates managing the member's record and tying it to the member's record in that external system.

Member Notes

Use this area to record additional notes about the member.

Contact Tab

Email Address

Member's email address.

Home Phone

Member's home phone number.

Cell Phone

Member's cell phone number.

Work Phone

Member's work phone number.


Member's pager number.


Member's fax number.

Sacraments Tab

Lists the seven sacraments and provides the following information, which you can view, add, or edit (depending on assigned sacrament permissions):

  • Completed: the checkbox indicates whether the sacrament was completed (checkbox selected) or not (checkbox not selected).

  • Date: shows the date the sacrament was completed.

  • Prep Year: shows year in which preparations leading up to the sacrament took place.

  • Parish: shows name of the organization where the sacrament took place. Click to open the Organization Search window to search for the name of the organization.

  • Celebrant: name of celebrant. Click , and then select the name of the celebrant from the list.

To update the sacrament record, select the Details link to open the sacrament record in Edit mode where you can make changes.

Religious Ed Tab

Shows the member's religious education history and involvement.

  • If the member is a student, the tab automatically displays in Student View. If the student has taken or is taking classes, the tab shows the term and name of the class taken and attendance records. The Student Notes field may contain special notes recorded about the student by class leaders.

  • If the member is a leader, the tab automatically displays in Leader View. The tab shows the term and name of classes in which the member has taken or is taking a leadership role and displays the type or role assumed (for example, catechist). The Leader Notes field may contain special notes recorded about the leader by an administrator.

Any notes made in a student or leader's record are visible in the ParishSOFT Religious Education module. For example, a note in a student's record also appears in the student's entry in the Student Directory.

Misc. Tab

Member Workgroups

Lists the workgroups that the member belongs to.

Member Strengths

If your organization is compiling a strengths profile for each member, you can view the member's strengths or put the form in edit mode and record the member's strengths by selecting attributes from the lists.


Home Organization

Displays the staff member's home organization. In Edit mode, select a different organization from the list.

User Field 1

Custom field #1. Use this field to enter additional information about the staff member.

User Field 2

Custom field #2. Use this field to enter additional information about the staff member.


Primary Address

From the list, select the primary address as one of the following: Home or Work.

Get Family Info link

Get Org Info link

Click this links to pull in the family address information, if available.

Publish Address checkbox

Select the checkbox to allow the staff member's address to be published in Pictorial Directory and other church-related reports and publications.

Publish Phone and Email Address checkboxes

Select the checkbox to allow the staff member's phone or email address to be published in Pictorial Directory and other church-related reports and publications.

Expanded Phone Numbers link

Click the link to open the Expanded Phone Numbers window where you can add additional phone numbers into the staff member's record.




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