Field descriptions for member details
This article describes the fields in the Member Details record.
The fields in the following table are listed Tab key order. An asterisk (*) indicates required information.
If the member is not registered in the logged-in user's organization, only the fields with red text labels can be edited.
Field |
Description |
Personal Tab |
Member Photo (Change/Delete) |
Member DUID |
Member's Dio unique ID. Non-editable field. |
Special Needs |
Check the box to indicate that the member has a special need. Then in the box below, enter a description of the special need (for example, allergy, requires wheelchair access, hearing impaired). |
Gender* |
Male, Female, Unknown. |
Title |
Courtesy or professional title. |
First Name* |
Member's proper name. |
Nick Name |
Member's nickname. |
Middle Name |
Member's middle name. |
Last Name* |
Member's surname. |
Suffix |
Name suffix that follows the member's full name (for example, Jr.). |
Maiden Name |
Member's surname before marriage. |
Role* |
Select the member's family role (for example, daughter). |
Status* |
Member's membership status in the organization (for example, active). |
Birth Date |
Member's date of birth selected from the calendar. |
Birth Place |
Member's place of birth. |
Age |
Member's age. Non-editable field that is calculated based on birth date entered. |
Date of Death |
Member's date of death selected from the calendar. |
Religion |
Member's religious affiliation. |
Ethnicity |
Member's ethnic or the racial category the member most closely identifies with. |
Marital Status |
Member's marital status. |
Envelope # |
Type the member's envelope number or select Next to let the application assign the next available envelope number to the member. |
Next |
Select Next to obtain a system-generated envelope number. |
Send? |
Check the box to include the member on envelope list sent to vendor for more envelopes. |
General Tab |
Father Name |
Full name of member's father. Click |
Mother Name |
Full name of member's mother. Click |
Mother Maiden Name |
Maiden name of member's mother. |
Sacrament Remarks |
Type any sacrament-related notes in this field. |
Education & Career |
Career Type |
Select a career type from the menu. The career type options shown in the menu are configured under Lookup Management. |
Details |
Type career-related information in this field (for example, the name of the member's employer). |
School |
Select a school. The names of schools shown in the menu are configured under Lookup Management. |
Education |
Select years of education (education level achieved). |
Grad Year |
Year the member graduated from high school. This is figured on the member's birthdate, but also on the Organization's date parameters in Organization details: Administration → Organization → edit details → cut off dates. |
Additional Information |
Username |
The login name associated with the user's account. |
Soc Sec # |
Member's social security number. If you edit the social security number, you must enter all nine digits into the field. The system does not allow you to change individual numbers. |
Aux ID |
Auxiliary ID. An external ID (for example, a driver's license number) used to identify the member. |
Vendor ID |
Vendor Integration ID. An external ID (for example, from an external accounting system) that, from a data perspective, facilitates managing the member's record and tying it to the member's record in that external system. |
Member Notes |
Use this area to record additional notes about the member. |
Contact Tab |
Email Address |
Member's email address. |
Home Phone |
Member's home phone number. |
Cell Phone |
Member's cell phone number. |
Work Phone |
Member's work phone number. |
Pager |
Member's pager number. |
Fax |
Member's fax number. |
Sacraments Tab |
Lists the seven sacraments and provides the following information, which you can view, add, or edit (depending on assigned sacrament permissions):
To update the sacrament record, select the Details link to open the sacrament record in Edit mode where you can make changes. |
Religious Ed Tab |
Shows the member's religious education history and involvement.
Any notes made in a student or leader's record are visible in the ParishSOFT Religious Education module. For example, a note in a student's record also appears in the student's entry in the Student Directory. |
Misc. Tab |
Member Workgroups |
Lists the workgroups that the member belongs to. |
Member Strengths |
If your organization is compiling a strengths profile for each member, you can view the member's strengths or put the form in edit mode and record the member's strengths by selecting attributes from the lists. |
Additional |
Home Organization |
Displays the staff member's home organization. In Edit mode, select a different organization from the list. |
User Field 1 |
Custom field #1. Use this field to enter additional information about the staff member. |
User Field 2 |
Custom field #2. Use this field to enter additional information about the staff member. |
Addresses |
Primary Address |
From the list, select the primary address as one of the following: Home or Work. |
Get Family Info link Get Org Info link |
Click this links to pull in the family address information, if available. |
Publish Address checkbox |
Select the checkbox to allow the staff member's address to be published in Pictorial Directory and other church-related reports and publications. |
Publish Phone and Email Address checkboxes |
Select the checkbox to allow the staff member's phone or email address to be published in Pictorial Directory and other church-related reports and publications. |
Expanded Phone Numbers link |
Click the link to open the Expanded Phone Numbers window where you can add additional phone numbers into the staff member's record. |