First Bank Rec Post-Conversion
The conversion process will require ‘catch-up’ reconciliations for each bank account. Note that you must finish a reconciliation before performing additional reconciliations.
In the first reconciliation post-conversion, you will find transactions:
- From your prior system if they were uncleared.
- From conversion journal entries.
- Transactions entered in ParishSOFT
- May take a little more time than normal to display the list of transactions and clearing or un-clearing a transaction if there are a large number of transactions.
You can find/start reconciliations in:
Ledger and Payables → Process → Reconciliations → Bank Reconciliation
- Use Create a New Statement to start a new reconciliation.
- You may only start a new one for an account if there are no unreconciled statements for the same account.
- If a statement has been reconciled, the word (Reconciled) will be noted.
- If the reconciliation process for a particular account has been started but not completed, you may not start another one until you finish. You will know by the absence of the word (Reconciled) at the end.
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