You have a volunteer coming in on Monday to post contributions and need an alphabetical list of all the families and their envelope numbers (in case the check does not have the envelope number on it, or the envelope has a number but does not have a name). This list will allow them to be able to cross-reference names with envelope numbers.
How to get a list with envelope numbers for volunteers
From the Family List:
- Select the Grid Columns icon
- Select the Clear All Link
- Mark the Envelope Numbers option
- Select the Save and Close link
Check the Filter icon and:
- Select your preferred options for Membership, Family Group, and Select Envelopes in the Send Envelopes drop-down. Note:The "Send Contrib. Envs" check box is checked by default when you issue an envelope number. This setting filters for that check-box:
- Click Apply.
Note: If you are looking for more specific parameters, see more filter options by selecting the Advanced Options dropdown.
- In the filtered Family List, click "Family" header to sort in alphabetical order (one click A-Z, two clicks Z-A):
- Click "Export to CSV" icon () or, from Quick Reports, choose "Family List" for PDF, XLS or RTF:
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How to get a list of unassigned envelope numbers