PSA L&P - Memorized: How to view memorized transactions

How to view memorized transactions

You have a couple of options available currently:

Run a Memorized Transaction Report:

This is an example of the report:


Print out and file the transactions as you memorize them (for future reference).

  • This can be done from the transaction screen using the Browser's Print function; this normally prints the entire browser window 
  • Or, submit the transaction; then, go to Reports → Transactions and choose the transaction type.  Then filter the report to get that transaction only, and print it.

Create a transaction item from memorized and then go back to the view screen of that item. This shows you the details of the memorized transaction.  You can then delete the transaction if it is not needed.

If you deleted the transaction you will want to change your Next Date back to the correct next date.  Click On Memorized → (select transaction type) edit the Next Date and submit.

Related Articles

How to create, modify, and delete Memorized transactions





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