Manage Deductions and Benefits
To access the Deduction/Benefits List, go into Payroll, Setup, Deduction/Benefit List.
How are they used?
Use the Deductions/Benefits screen shown below to define any line item taken from an employee's pay such as Health Insurance, 403(b), Garnishment, etc. Later, when setting up Account Distributions, you must specify a liability and/or expense account link for all Deduction/Benefit items on each gross pay account.
- There are a few Deductions/Benefits provided by the system. These may not be edited.
- Other Deductions/Benefits may be added and honed to meet your own needs.
How to add them for use
To add additional Deduction/Benefits, select the Add a New Deduction/Benefit from Template link as shown on the screen above circled in orange. The software creates a copy of the item you selected and assigns it the next available Code number. (Codes 1-10 are reserved for System Deductions/Benefits). You will then find it at the end of the Deduction/Benefit List. You may click the Edit button to modify the item's details. See the second image below.
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