PSFS Family Directory - Workgroups: How to combine family workgroups to create a single workgroup

 How to combine family workgroups to create a single workgroup

  1. Click Family Workgroups to display the Family Workgroups page:

  1. If necessary, select the organization from the Organization list.

  2. In the Workgroups section, check the box next to each workgroup you want to combine. Then, click  to create a single workgroup.

The Create New Workgroup from Selected Groups window is displayed: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  1. Type a name and description of the new workgroup.

  1. Do one of the following:

  • Click Save to save the workgroup.

You return to the Family Workgroups page. The newly combined workgroup is listed in the Workgroups section.

  • Click Cancel to exit the window without saving your workgroup information.


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