PSA Payroll - Checks: How to fix checks in process (incorrect amount, pay item, or deduction)

How to fix checks in process (incorrect amount, pay item, or deduction)


If the Payroll Process is not yet closed, a check number has not yet been assigned (see image below) or you have voided the initial check, and you need to print (another) check:

  1. Fix the issue:
    • If incorrect, update the Time-card or the Pay Item
    • If the deductions or benefits were incorrect, click on 6) Edit Paychecks to correct those amounts. (DO NOT edit a pre-tax benefit or deduction this way)
    • If a pay item is incorrect, go to 3) Edit Timecards and change the pay item there. 
  2. Select 4) Calculate Payroll to recalculate the payroll with the corrected information.
  3. Continue through the entire process until the check is printed. This will only print a check for a selected employee who does not already have a check, including those for whom the check was voided.



  1. If your Deduction or Benefit is pretax you have to pull up the Employee Record and edit the Ded/Ben tab, remember to click Submit.


  1. Then calculate payroll again (if you have assigned check numbers you will need to void this check first).
  2. Remember to go back to the employee record and change it back if needed (this would be in the case that this is a one-time change).  If this new amount will be ongoing then you don't need to edit the record back.

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