PSFS Family Directory - Import: How to import contact information into Family Directory from a file prepared with information from another application

How to import contact information into Family Directory from a file prepared with information from another application

  1. Go to Family DirectoryImport.
  2. Select the option according to which type of records you wish to update, Member Contact Info or Family Contact Info.
  3. Follow these steps to import the file.

    1. Browse for the file you prepared for this import.
    2. Select the file.
    3. Click the Import button.

How to verify the update worked

  1. Once the import completes, your screen display will change.
  2. To find out which record did not update, click the Import Another File button (shown above).
  3. This will take you to the import page again, but you will also see the option to download the latest import report. Select either option: CSV or PDF.
  4. The report will display and you will see which record did not update.


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