PSFS Family Directory - Reports: Kenedy Statistics Explained

Kenedy Statistics Explained




Receptions into the Church




To be defined as a baptism, a record must meet these requirements:

  • The place of reception is the same as the organization you are working in (value in the Parish ID field matches your organization’s Organization ID)


  • The place of reception is not specified (the Parish ID field is blank) and your organization created the baptism record.


  • The status of the sacrament is “completed”. (The Completed field in the Baptism record is set to Yes.)

  • The date of the report falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).


Additional Requirements and Criteria for Baptisms

Infant Baptisms

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Baptisms.

  • The Birth Date field (in Member Details) contains a birth date.

  • The Completed On field in the Baptism record contains a date.

  • The age of completion is between 0 and 6 years (this is a system-calculated value based on the values in the Birth Date and Completed On fields).

Minor Baptisms

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Baptisms.

  • Birth Date field (in Member Details) contains a birth date.

  • Completed On field in the Baptism record contains a date.

  • The age of completion is between 7 and 17 years (this is a system-calculated value based on the values in the Birth Date and Completed On fields).

Adult Baptisms

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Baptisms.

  • Birth Date field (in Member Details) contains a birth date.

  • Completed On field in the Baptism record contains a date.

  • The age of completion is greater than 17 years (this is a system-calculated value based on the values in the Birth Date and Completed On fields).

Not Specified Baptisms

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Baptisms.

  • The Birth Date field in Member Details is blank (not specified).


  • The Completed On field in the Baptism record is blank (not specified).

Received into Full Communion

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • The place of reception is the same as the organization you are working in (the value in the Parish ID field matches your organization’s Organization ID).

  • The status of the sacrament is “completed” (the Completed field in the Rite of Reception sacrament record is set to Yes).

  • The date of the report falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).

First Communions

A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • The place of reception is the same as the organization you are working in (the value in the Parish ID field matches your organization’s Organization ID).

  • The status of the sacrament is “completed” (the Completed field in the First Eucharist sacrament record is set to Yes).

  • The date of the report falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).


A record is included in this category if all of the following are true:

  • The place of reception is the same as the organization you are working in (the value in the Parish ID field matches your organization’s Organization ID).

  • The status of the sacrament is “completed” (the Completed field in the Confirmation record is set to Yes).

  • The date of the sacrament falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).


To be defined as a marriage, a record must meet all of these requirements:

  • The marriage took place in the organization you are working in (the value in the Parish ID field matches your organization’s Organization ID).

  • The status of the sacrament is “completed” (the Completed field in the marriage record is set to Yes).

  • The Completed On field in the marriage record contains a date (is not blank or NULL).

  • The Date Ended field in the marriage record is blank (contains no date).

  • The Marital Status selection in the marriage record is not NULL.

Additional Requirements and Criteria for Marriages


A marriage record is counted as Catholic if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Marriages.

  • For the groom: The religion specified in the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record is Catholic.

  • For the bride: The religion specified in the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record is Catholic.

  • The Marital Status selection in the marriage record is set to Married or M.


A marriage record is counted Interfaith if all of the following are true:

  • It meets the requirements for Marriages.

  • For the bride: the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record specifies a religion (the field is not blank or NULL).

  • For the groom: the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record specifies a religion (the field is not blank or NULL).

  • The religion specified in the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record is Catholic for one marriage partner, but not both.

  • The Marital Status selection in the marriage record is set to Married or M.  


A count of the total number of marriages in all marriage groups:

  • Catholic

  • Interfaith

  • Not Specified Marriages

To be counted, the Marital Status selection in the marriage record is set to Married or M.  

Not Specified Marriages

A marriage record is counted as Not Specified if it meets the requirements for Marriages plus all of the following are true:

  • The value in the Marital Status field in marriage record is set to Married or M.


  • The value in the Faith of Baptism field in the marriage record is not specified for at least one marriage partner.


  • One of the marriage partners has no record in the organization you are working in.

Census Summary


Registered Parishioner Households

A record is counted in the Registered Parishioner Household category if all of the following are true:

  • The family has a record in the organization you are working in.

  • The Registration Status field in the family's record is set to 1 (this means that the Registration Status checkbox is selected in Family Details).

Individual Catholics

A record is counted in the Individual Catholics category if all of the following are true:

  • The member has a record in the organization you are working in.

  • The Registration Status field in the member’s family record is set to 1 (thismeans that the Registration Status checkbox is selected in Family Details).

  • The Status field in the member record is not set to Deceased.

  • The Religion field in the member record is set to Catholic.

Total Deaths

A record is counted as a death if all of the following are true:

  • The Owner Org ID of the record is the same as the Organization ID of the organization you are working in. In other words, the organization owns
    the member’s record.

  • The value in the Date of Death field falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).

  • The date of the report falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).

Number of Full Time Professional Ministry






User-specified field. No requirements.



User-specified field. No requirements.

Lay Ministers

User-specified field. No requirements.

Religious Education Statistics

A record is counted in the Religious Education Statistics category if it meets these requirements:

  • The member has a record in the organization you are working in.

  • The member is enrolled in a class that has a start date that falls within the date range specified by the user in the report setup (in the Select Filtering Options section).


Additional Requirements and Criteria for Religious Educations

Elementary Students (K - 8)

A record is counted in the Elementary Students category if it meets the requirements for Religious Education Statistics plus the following criteria:        

The Grade Level field in the member's class record is set to one of the following: K1234567, or 8.

High School Students (9 - 12)

A record is counted in the High School Students category if it meets the requirements for Religious Education Statistics plus the following criteria:

The Grade Level field in the member's class record is set to one of the following:9101112HS or High School.

Total (Elem/HS)

A total count of the students in these categories:

  • Elementary Students

  • High School Students


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