PSFS Family Directory - Mail Merge: How to edit the contents of a mail merge template

How to edit the contents of a mail merge template


  1. If necessary, select the desired organization from the Organization list.

  2. On the Family List or Member List page, Select the Mail Merge Icon from the toolbar menu  Then select Merge Selected Records (0).

  3. Select the template to which you want to add the image.

  4. Edit the template as desired. Following is a list of the most common types of edits:

    • Content changes: to edit the content, make your changes directly to the text in the document text area.

    • Formatting and fonts: to change the formatting and fonts, select the Home tab. Use the options on the toolbar to change the format and fonts used in your document. For example, you can select a different font, change the font size, and add bold and italics to your text. You can also create numbered and bulleted lists, indent and center text, and add headings to divide your content into sections. For formatting tips, go to How to Create a Mail Merge Template.

    • Design and layout changes: to edit the design or your document, use the options on the Page Layout tab. For example, you can change the page margins, add a background color, and create columns of text. Use the Breaks option to add page breaks to the document.
    • Graphics changes: to insert a graphic, select the Insert tab and select one of the Illustrations options. The graphics file must be located on your computer. The file can contain a photograph or an image of your organization's logo.  See Adding an image.
    • Additions and deletions:

      • To add a merge field, position your cursor in the desired location. Select the Mail Merge tab. Click Insert Merge Field and select the placeholder from the menu.

      • To delete a merge field, select it and then press Delete on your keyboard.

      • To delete text, select it and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.


  1. When done editing, save the template. Do one of the following:

    • Save the template to the My Templates folder. To do this, select the File tab and click Save.

    • Save the template to the Global Templates folder. To do this, select the File tab and click Save As. In the Save New Template window, type the name of the template and select the Global check box. If you want to prevent others from making changes to the template, select the Read Only checkbox. Finally, click Save to save the template.

    • Save the template to your computer. To do this, select the File tab and click Save (Local). In the Save As window, select the file type. Click Download. After you download the file, you can open it, rename it, and save it to the desired location on your local hard drive.

  2. The saved template is now available for use as a mail merge document. For instructions on using mail merge, go to How to Perform a Mail Merge.


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