PSA L&P - Bill Pay: How to set up Bill Pay

How to set up Bill Pay

Go to Ledger & Payables→ Setup Bill Pay.  This option will only be available if the feature has been activated through Church Manager → Options.

    • A list of accounts that have been identified as Bank Accounts will be displayed in the Bill Pay section.
    • Archived accounts are not included on the list, but the list will include a primary bank account if the Primary/Subsidiary process is set up for your Organization. You may follow these instructions for multiple Bill Pay Accounts.
    • The right column will tell you whether an account has been set up for Bill Pay with a Y for 'yes' or N for 'no.'
  1. Click Edit for the bank account you want to set up.
  2. The Bill Pay Account information screen will open.
    a. Check the box for Enable Bill Pay. (simply uncheck this box later to remove the account from Bill Pay.)
    b. In the Customer ID field, type your customer ID.
    c.  In the Bank Account Number field, type the account number.
    d.  In the Starting Check Number field, type the starting check number.
    e.  In the Ending Check Number field, type the ending check number.
  3. Click Submit.

The software then does the following with the check information:

  • Validates that no checks exist within the range you specified between the starting and ending check numbers.
  • Validates that the starting and ending range are numeric numbers only and that no zero check numbers were entered.  Checks must be unique, so we recommend entering a sequence with a number starting significantly higher than the numbers you use for your pre-printed checks so that the numbers do not conflict now, or in the future.
  • Blocks non-Bill Pay checks from using numbers from the Starting Check Number through the Ending Check Number.

NOTE: For consolidating organizations, the Enable Bill Pay option is visible only if the Bill Pay feature is enabled by the higher-level organization. Additionally, the option is visible only to users whose role permissions are set to Church Administrator, Consolidation User, Diocesan User, or Diocesan Administrator If you do not see the option, contact your higher-level organization or Parish SOFT Technical Support for help.




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How to Search for and create Bill Pay Checks



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