How to delete a member from the member list
This topic shows you how to delete a member record from your organization's Member List. Sacrament records as well as pledge and contribution records are not affected by a deletion. However, the following member-related records are inactive (unavailable) after a deletion:
● Minister records
● Student records
● Member records
● Milestone records
If the member you want to delete has one or more active ACH transactions or active pledge records (that is, a pledge with a remaining balance), the application cannot delete the record.
Click Member List to display the Member List page.
If necessary, select the organization from the Organization list.
Check the records that you want to delete. For example:
To select all records listed on a page, click. You can then deselect the records that you do not want to delete.
Click Delete Selected Member.
When prompted to confirm the delete, click OK. The selected records are deleted from the Member list.
Due to the amount of information that is associated with a record, the application may require extra time to delete multiple member records at the same time.