How to export a list of accounts and sort the list in Excel
To begin, go to: Accounts → Find account
You will see a list of all accounts. Select the Accounts: using your mouse, highlight from the top left all the way down to the bottom right so all accounts and headers are selected. Copy the Selection: Use Ctrl-C or Right-click on your mouse and choose Copy.
Open Excel and Paste (Ctrl-V or Right-Click and select Paste). You can easily sort in any order you'd like using Excel. In the example below, there are seven highlighted accounts.
In Excel, use the SORT feature to sort by description, long account code, or by the short-cut. In this example, we sorted by account description:
Another option would be to run a report, Reports → Accounts → List, and export to a CSV file then sort the list.
Note: As you add, edit or delete accounts, you will have to repeat the copy and paste process to get a current list.
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