PSA System - Dashboard: Why the dashboard is displaying an A/P Balance that's different from the Bills To Pay total

Why the dashboard is displaying an A/P Balance that's different from the Bills To Pay total

  1. The dashboard displays the A/P Balance as of today (total relies on the calendar date for bills and checks). The Bills To Pay shows bills regardless of the bill date that have not been assigned a check number at all.
  2. If a check has been assigned to a bill but the date of the check is in the future, the amount will show in the A/P Balance but not Bills To Pay
  3. If the bill date is in the future and has not been assigned a check number, the bill will show in the Bills To Pay but will not be in the A/P Balance.
  4. If the bill has not been paid and does not have a future bill date it will appear in both.   









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