Data Validation Checklist
In Family Directory, you can see the complete Family and Member history. The Validation Checklist below will guide you in verifying the information now that it has been brought into ParishSOFT Family Suite. There are reports within the program that will help you in the review of your data. Make sure POP-UP blockers are disabled or the reports will not come up. If you find any discrepancies, please send an email to Be sure to provide specific detailed examples of the discrepancies including the Family or Member DUID; just a couple examples are needed. NOTE: If you find multiple issues, we request that you send a separate email for each issue.
Click Here for the Validation Video: Validation Checklist
NOTE: You may not have data for every module list below. You only need to check those modules you have purchased and have data for.
Family Directory Count
- From the Family List screen, click on the funnel icon. In the Filter box that opens choose Both and All Groups, Click Apply.
Check the count in the lower left-hand corner of the Family List Screen.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
*If you had a data integration without a holding org this number may be different when combined with Diocesan data. - Next set the filter to Registered and Active; click Apply.
Check the count in the lower left-hand corner of the Family List Screen
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Next set the Filter to Both, All Groups and Envelopes; click Apply.
Check the count in the lower left corner of the Family List Screen.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Click on the Clear Filter icon.
If your data has been integrated with Diocesan data this number may be different if the un-matched diocesan records remained in your parish.
Family Information
- From the Family Directory → Family List, search for and select a few families who you know to have a lot of information in your old program.
Click on their name in the family column and compare the family information for the same record in your old software application.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? ______ - In addition to verifying all of the other information in the record, check if the family’s envelope number is correct and if they should be receiving envelopes.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Member information
- Select a few members and verify their basic information.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Check the information on the General tab – lower left-hand corner.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Check the information on the Contact tab.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Check the information on the Misc. tab.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Check the information on the Sacraments Tab.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Sacrament Information
Click on the Sacraments tab from within Family Directory.
- Check a member’s sacraments – by choosing which Sacrament and Searching by Name
Click on the pencil box icon to View the Sacrament record.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Select the offering tab
To get Family Giving Totals by Date Range
1) Click Reports Tab
2) Select Contributions and
3) Summary
4) Check the Description Box for all Funds
5) If prompted, select all records
6) Click Next to go to the Filters Tab.
- Filters Tab:
1) Choose Date Range,
2) Choose Minimum and Maximum values (We recommend .01 and 100000),
3) Choose Membership Filters (We recommend – Both, All Groups, All Groups),
4) Click Next to go to the Givers Tab
- Givers Tab:
Click the 1) Family Name Check Box, if prompted select all Families.
2) Click View Report to see Total Amount given by each family.
Check Total of Contributions for several donors.
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ -
Current Fund by Sum Report – View report for a particular date range and fund for the total.
The last page shows a summary of the fund
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ -
Pledges – choose filters then View Pledges
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Religious Education Information -Select the Religious Education Tab
- Manage Sessions
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Classes
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Student Directory
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Note: not all programs have data that fits our structure so it might be in a different format but you should be able to see historical information for your students.
Ministry Scheduler-Select Ministry Scheduler Tab and Minister Directory
- Count of Ministries
Click the Funnel icon and from the Advanced Filter box that opens choose filters: Select All Ministry Groups and you can get a count of all members in a ministry (skills, member groups, activities, ministries, or background screenings) or choose different combinations to see data and get counts.
Filtered on Liturgy, Lector
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Configuration
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____ - Count of Ministers
Is the data correct in ParishSOFT Family Suite? _____
Please email with any missing or incorrect information and provide:
- Two-Three examples of the concern
- Family or member name (s)
- Family or member DUID
NOTE: If you find multiple issues, we request that you send a separate email for each issue.
If you are satisfied with your data please respond to your data review email with your acceptance.
The links below contain helpful videos to assist you with getting started in ParishSOFT Family Suite.
ParishSOFT Family Suite Adding Staff & Managing Permissions
NOT A GOOD LINK ParishSOFT Family Suite Fund Setup & Permissions
NOT A GOOD LINK Religious Education Configuration & Migration