PSA System - Log in: I cannot log in to my ParishSOFT Accounting Account

I cannot log in to my ParishSOFT Accounting Account

Most often, the reason a login fails is

  • The wrong web address is being used
  • The wrong username is being used
  • The wrong password is being used
  • You are using a different browser and you don't know your credentials or the website
  • If you are getting a 503 error, click here to learn the resolution.
  • Instead of entering the web address in the web address field, the search field is being used. The following picture shows where to enter it.URL_placement.png

Steps to resolution

  • The web address is based on your status as either an independent church or under the management of a diocese. The pattern for the web address is where the status for independent churches would be either church, church2, church3, or manager; or where the status would be a form of your diocese name for those under the management of a diocese.
  • If you don't remember your Username and there is another person at your organization who has Church Manager privileges, they will be able to go into Church Manager, Users, and find your User Name in the third column of the listed names. If there is no one there to look this up for you, and you are not in a diocese you may email support and ask them for your username. If you are in a diocese contact the diocese for your user name. Support cannot give you your password.
  • If you do not remember your password, you may select the  Lost Password? link on the login page. An email will be sent to the email address you have stored in your user account in ParishSOFT Accounting. Or, your Church Administrator or Diocese Administrator can reset your password for you.
  • Note: The reset password email may go to your spam folder.

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