PSFS Family Directory - Sacraments: How to locate a sacramental record

How to locate and view a sacramental record

  1. Click Sacraments. Select Add/Edit Sacraments to display the Sacraments page.

  2. Locate the desired sacrament record by entering filter criteria and then conducting a database search. The search retrieves information from the member's record (Member Details), if a record exists, and displays results in the grid at the bottom of the Sacraments page.


 To locate a record, complete the following:

  1. From the Sacrament menu, select the type of sacrament (for example, Baptism).
  2. Type a name in one or more of the name fields.
  3. If you know the date or the date range when the sacrament was conferred, select the Include Date Range link and then select a date or date range from the calendar. The Remove Date Range link lets you remove the date range from your search.
  4. Click Search. If a sacrament record is located that matchers your filter criteria, an entry for it is shown in the area below the filters. In the following example, the search produces entries for a single record matching the search criteria:

  1. To open the record, click the Edit Icon (to the left of the entry).

For example, clicking the Edit Icon in the row containing the entry for Sondra Jone's record, opens this member's baptism record:


The name shown at the top of the record is pulled from the member's

  1. After you open a record, you can perform these tasks:

  • View the information.

  • Edit the information. To do this, click Edit Details. For details, see How to Edit a Sacrament Record.

  • Exit the record. To do this, click Close. You return to the main Sacraments page.


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