PSA Payroll - Reports: How to generate a Worker's Comp salary report

How to generate a Worker's Comp salary report

Most worker's compensation insurers require their customers to submit an "audit" of payroll information. The ParishSOFT Accounting payroll report, 'Current Earnings' can provide documentation for an audit.

In Reports → Paycycle →Current Earnings you can select the payrolls that cover the period of time needed for the Worker's Comp audit.  You can filter by PayGroup, Employee(s) and sort the report in various ways.  You might consider adding a report subtitle such as "Worker's Comp Report."


Sample Current Earnings Report: (The Current Earnings report will display TYPES of earnings.  The Payroll Summary does not display this information.  The difference is important if you pay or reimburse non-taxable monies to an employee.)


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