How to prepare personal time records for next year
Some organizations will allow an Employee's Personal Time to carry over to the next year and accumulate, while other organizations will reset the Employee's Personal Time to a fixed number of hours.
Go into Payroll → Setup.
Under Optional Setup, select Personal Time.
Under Quick Find, use the drop-down to select Vacation, then click the Find Item button.
NOTE: This example uses Vacation as the Personal Time type. Each type, Sick/Personal, Vacation, PTO, etc. work the same way. You must select each type and update them independently.
The following Personal Time Processing screen will display. The Processing options are defined below:
Processing Options:
Each of the following options may be refined by the Date Range of Activity to Process field, or by any selections that may be made in the Paygroup or Employee Selection fields.
- Do not process at this time: This is the default selection, so no changes are made if you access this record and click submit.
- Clear all activity and retrain the available time as new earned. Up to a maximum of...
- Completely clear all used and earned activity. Zero available.
- Clear all activity and apply as new hours available.
- Retain all activity but adjust the available time to the new available time.
Clear all activity and retain the available time as new earned. Up to a maximum of...
If you allow your employees to retain and carry forward their vacation time from year to year, you may choose this option. If you want to limit the number of hours that carry forward, enter the maximum number of hours in the field provided. For example, if an employee has 7 days of unused vacation time at the end of the year and this option is marked with a maximum of 40 hours entered, 5 vacation days will rollover.
Completely clear all used and earned activity. Zero available
All hours in your selected Personal Time type will be cleared out and the new year will begin with zero available time for this type.
Clear all activity and apply ... as new hours available
No hours will carry forward for the selected Personal Time type. However, the number of hours entered in the available field will be available for this Personal Time type.
For example, if an employee has 7 days unused vacation time at the end of the year and this option is marked with 80 new hours in the apply field, 10 vacation days will be available at the first of the new year.
Retain all activity but adjust the available time to ... as the new available time
This last option is the same as the one just above except the activity will not be cleared.
Clear all activity
In each option above which says Clear all activity.., all line items in the employee's record will be cleared.
In the example below, the employee will have no activity in 2018 listed in the Details section of the Personal Time Activity Tracking grid. The line showing Earn Activity of 6 hours in 2017 shown in the example below will be blank in 2018.
Date Range of Activity to Process / Paygroup or Employee Selections
For each Processing Option which says, all activity will be cleared, all activity will be cleared within the date range entered in the Date Range of Activity to Process Field.
If no Paygroups nor Employees are selected in the Paygroup or Employee Selection fields, all Employees will be subject to the Processing Option you selected when you click Submit. Conversely, you may limit the impact of your Processing Option selection to only those Paygroups or Employees you select.
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Personal Time Entry and Maintenance.