PSFS Family Directory or Religious Ed - Mailing Labels: How to format labels properly in Chrome

How to format labels properly in Chrome

Label formatting is often affected by the scale setting in Chrome. For some printers, the scale field may need to be set to a custom scale of 97 -102%. This may be done in  Print Preview → More Settings (shown in the images below).

As you experiment to find the optimal scale, we advise printing one page of labels on plain paper by choosing the printer icon with the 1 on it.  Then you can hold it side-by-side with the label sheet (or both pages together against the light) to see if it lines up properly, without wasting label sheets.

In Print Preview, go to More Settings. Update the Scale field to 97 - 100 (%). Then, print.
Chrome_-_Print.png             Chrome_-_Print_-_More_Settings.png


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