PSFS Family Directory - Reports: How to print a list of sacraments for a date range

How to print a list of sacrament participants for a date range

  1. Navigate to Reports in the Family Directory
  2. Under Report Type select Sacrament
  3. Under Report select the specific sacrament
  4. Select the date range for the report you want to run.

  1. Once you have the correct date range select View Report to print or export the report
  • Note: The default end date is set to today's date, and the default start date is set to exactly one year prior.
  • If you want to view statistics for a specific date, click the calendar button to open the calendar
  • Select the desired date range in the Start Date and/or End Date fields.
  • For tips on using the calendar, see How to Use the Calendar to Set a Date.


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