PSG Donor Portal - Donor Account: How to create a Donor Account in ParishSOFT Giving

How to sign up for a new donor account in the G4 version of ParishSOFT Giving. 

Sign up for a ParishSOFT Giving Account:

  1. Go to ParishSOFT Giving link provided on your Church Website.
  2. Once there, go to the Sign In tab.
  3. Now that you’re on the Sign In tab, click on Register for New Account.
  4. Fill out all the information for your account, and click Register when done.
  5. Once you submit your registration you will be taken back to the Give Now section of the giving site, and you’ll notice you have a few more tabs than before. You are now logged into your new Donor Account.
  6. You can now either give a one-time gift or set up a scheduled gift as outlined in our How to set up a recurring gift article.




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