PSA L&P - Checks: How to print a check without creating a bill

How to print a check without creating a bill

While our system adheres to the GAAP compliance standards, and will not allow you to do this, there are other ways to record various types of data in the software.

  1. The primary way to record anything with Checks would be to create a bill and then either assign a check or print a check to pay the bill.  This ensures that there is an auditing trail for the entire transaction and all accounts involved.

    Example: If you are getting cash out for events you may consider using a petty cash fund. Again, any time you write a check you should create a bill and pay the bill.

    Example: Using a debit card. Enter the bill and pay the bill using a fake number such as DB20200326A, DB20200326B. DB for debit, 20200326 for a unique number, A or B if you have more than one on the same day.

    Example: Using an EFT.  Enter the bill and pay the bill using a fake number such as EFT20200326A, EFT20200326B. EFT for Electronic Funds Transfer, 20200326 for a unique number, A or B if you have more than one on the same day.
    Note: Having the year first keeps all transaction together for the year. If you put the year last all fake checks processed in the month of March will be together regardless of the year. 
  2. The way to record non-check payments (ex. transfers of funds between accounts, corrections to deposits or transactions) would be to use a journal entry.  The big thing to keep in mind is that a Journal entry should only be used if no check was cut or printed, and only for recording transactions or actions that otherwise don't have a way to be recorded through the software.

    Example: If you are moving money electronically you could use a journal entry but, depending on the transaction you may want to create a bill and use a fake check number. This would keep your withdrawals from your bank account together instead of having a journal entry for a withdrawal which would show separately on your bank reconciliation. 





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