PSG Donors - Give Now Form: How to add a one-time donation or a recurring donation when you have an account

How to add a one-time donation or a recurring when you have an account 

If your screen looks similar to the shot below, you are in the right article. If your screen does not look similar to the shot below, please click here. Note, this new giving form is customizable, so each organization's donor site may look a little different. Those fields which may or may not display on your screen are marked with a red asterisk*. 


  • A link posted on your organization's website will bring you to your donor portal and to a giving form that looks similar to the one shown above.
  • You may add a one-time donation whether you have an account or not. If you make it a recurring donation, you will be required to log into your account if you have one, or to set up a new account if you don't. All of this is included in the instructions below.


Sections in this article

How to donate a one-time gift without an account

How to donate a one-time gift with an account

How to donate a recurring gift


How to donate a one-time gift without an account

  1. To give a one-time gift, without an account, simply choose the fund and enter the amount. There may also be a field to add a comment*.
  2. Fill in the credit card information and the billing information below that (not shown).
  3. Once this is done, the sub-total information will be listed at the bottom of the form. Some forms will show a donor fee*
  4. Once your donation is complete and if you intend to make a one-time donation, click the Donate button at the very bottom of the form. Your one-time donation is complete. If at this point you decide you want to register for an account and make your donation recurring, click here to continue.



 How to donate a one-time gift with an account

  1. To give a one-time gift with an account, simply start by signing in to your account.
  2. Choose the fund and enter the amount. There may also be a field to add a comment*.
  3. Select the Credit Card you have on file (or you may add one).
  4. Once this is done, the sub-total information will be listed at the bottom of the form. Some forms will show a donor fee.*

  5. Once your donation is complete and if you intend to make a one-time donation, click the Donate button at the very bottom of the form. Your one-time donation is complete.



How to set up a recurring gift

In order to add a recurring gift, you must either have an existing account or you may add an account in the process.

      1. If you have an existing account, you may sign in by clicking on the SIGN IN option at the top of the form. You will have another chance to do so or to create an account in another step.
      2. Begin by selecting the fund and entering the amount.
      3. If you want to make this a recurring donation, mark the box.
      4. If you haven't done so already, you will now be required to either sign in to your existing account or to create an account if you don't have one. The application retains the information you have already entered.
      5. Once you have signed in or registered, you may either add your banking information or choose one you have already added.
      6. You will then be prompted to fill in the recurring gift information.
      7. Once you have completed filling in the information, at the very bottom of the form, click the Donate button. This button will look slightly different for each organization.






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