PSA L&P - Bank Reconciliation: How to reopen a Bank Reconciliation

How to reopen a Bank Reconciliation

Please read the information under important considerations below before continuing.

Support is not authorized to reopen bank reconciliations when your software application is under the management of your diocese. You must contact a Diocesan Administrator to request they reopen the reconciliation.
  • If you are under an organization that manages your accounting software options, such as a diocese, you must contact them and ask them to do the following (1-2 below): If your website path begins with the word church or manager, continue to the next bullet.
  • If you are an independent organization
    1. Print (to PDF) and attach to your request the Bank Reconciliation Report for the Account and Period you would like re-opened. Reports → Transactions → Bank Reconciliation Report (4th from last). This will help support determining the cause of any subsequent issues if necessary.  
    2. Ask your Church Administrator to contact support via email including the information listed below and to request that support do the following: 
      • Re-open your Bank Reconciliation. Include these two items found through this path: Process → Reconciliations → Bank Reconciliations 
        • The name of the Bank Account and
        • The date of the Bank Reconciliation to be re-opened.
      • Also, ask them to include the reason you want the reconciliation re-opened


Important considerations

  • If you delete the bank reconciliation, none of your deposits, checks, or journal entries will be deleted, even if you entered them after starting the bank reconciliation.
  • If you delete the bank reconciliation, you will have to re-enter the interest income and bank charges if they were entered directly into the bank reconciliation, but not if they were entered separately as journal entries.
  • If you make changes to transactions that are dated as of the reconciliation in question or beyond, your reports may change for the bank rec period and all subsequent periods.
  • If you make changes to a bank reconciliation that is currently in balance, the changes may cause the bank reconciliation (and all subsequent reconciliations) to become out of balance. This may happen if any changes are made to bank account transactions.
  • Sometimes changes need to be made to an income or expense account in a transaction that is locked because the transaction has been cleared on a closed bank reconciliation. This may be why you are requesting that the bank rec be re-opened. Consider creating a journal entry to move the funds from one expense or income account to another rather than re-opening the reconciliation and changing the transaction. Either way, this will cause changes in your Statement of Activities for the Bank Rec period.
  • Afterward, you will need to re-close each Bank Reconciliation and/or month that is opened.
  • Re-opening the bank reconciliation that is in a closed period, re-opens the period automatically. 




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