Check preview window does not display
Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Adobe Reader version 9 had a recent update which caused issues with the check preview window in ParisSOFT Accounting. Note: a comprehensive article on Check Printing Issues may be found here.
Select the following link to download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Caution: Be sure to uncheck the include toolbar installation box, which is checked by default. These toolbars (Google, McAfee, Yahoo, and others) include a pop-up blocker that will prevent check printing and other necessary functions in ParishSOFT Accounting. If you do include the toolbar installation, please turn off the pop-up blocking function.
Acrobat Reader X has a default toolbar at the bottom of a page that 'fades' in and out with your mouse activity. To alter the default behavior so that it displays a permanent toolbar, open the Adobe Reader X program and choose Edit | Preferences. Next, choose Internet and uncheck the "Display in Read Mode by default" box and check the box at "Display PDF in Browser". Then click OK.