PSA L&P - Checks: Where the check memo and bill comments print

Where the check memo and bill comments print

Also described as "Why doesn't the comment entered in the bill print on the check?"

There is a big difference between the Bill Comments and the Check Memos and where they print. The Bill has two sections where you may add Comments: One is at the top of the Bill (for ease of communication we will call that the Bill Header Comment). The second Bill Comment section is to the right of each line item, we will call this the Bill Line Item Comment. Bill Header Comments are used for internal purposes only and will not print on the check at all. Bill Line Item Comments, will print on the check stub next to each line item, and on the General Ledger Report. Both the header and the line item comments will print on the Bill List Report. See the Bill Image below where each is noted.

While there is only one Check Memo field, there are two ways to add it. If the Check Memo is the same most times that a particular vendor is paid, you may set up the Default Check Memo in the Vendors file. Once this is done, when you go into Create Checks, you will see the default check memo on the first screen. Although it is called the default memo, you will still have the chance to change this memo during the check creation process. Or, if it is different each time you pay the vendor, you may add it when you create each check. Adding a Check Memo or modifying the default Check Memo are both done during the check creation process (in Checks after selecting the item and clicking Print Checks, then Create Checks).




Bill Image



Vendor File: Add Default General Check Memo



Default Check Memo Example 


Check Creation after clicking Create Checks



Bill List Report


General Ledger Report

Bill Memo's do not print on the Trial Balance Report





 Check Example showing General Check Memo and Bill Line Item Comments







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