PSFS Family Directory - Reports: Rules used by the Parish Statistics Report to categorize families and members

Rules used by the Parish Statistics Report to categorize families and members

The Parish Statistic report uses a set of rules to categorize families and members.

  1. Registered families have the "Registered" checkbox checked and are registered to your parish. Unregistered families are in your Family List but have an unchecked "Registered" checkbox.
  2. A member will be identified as a child if they are under 18 and have one of the following family roles: Foster Son/Daughter, Grandchild, Grandson/Granddaughter, Son/Daughter, Step Son/Step Daughter, or Stepchild.
  3. "Boys" include children with a gender of Male who also have a male or gender-neutral family role. "Girls" include children with a gender of Female who also have a female or gender-neutral family role.
  4. A family that has one or more children will be in the "Families with Children" category.
  5. A family is Single if they have one member who has a role of Head, Husband, or Wife.
  6. A family is a couple if:
    • There are at least two members, one male and one female.
    • Both the male and female members have a family role of Head, Husband, or Wife.
  7. A couple will be listed as Catholic if ALL members in the family, have the religion field set to Catholic (not Roman Catholic or any other variant). If any member of a family with a couple has a religion field not set to Catholic, the family will appear as an Interfaith Couple.

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