How to move a family from one church to another and delete the family from the original church
When a member or family is moved from one church to another as registered....
- Their contributions do not move. This is because the funds for one church are unique to that church.
- Their religious education attendance does not move. This is because the classes for one church are unique to that church.
It automatically re-assigns the registration status in the original church as unregistered. The original church maintains Religious Education and Offering data for that family.
- The Family Group in the original church does not change.
- The sacramental records move.
Once the family is moved, if the original church wants to delete the family, they may do so after these considerations:
- Print the offering statement for the family/members
- Note the religious education records will be lost for the family/members.
To learn how to move the family, see How to move a family from one church to another and register them.
To learn how to delete the family, see How to delete a family from the family list.