PSA L&P - Checks: How can check stock be used when the check number is associated with a void

How can check stock be used when the check number is associated with a void

Also referred to as, How to assign the same check number when a check has been voided or,
How to re-use a check number that is associated with a voided check.

You have check stock that has not yet been used but that may be associated with a void in ParishSOFT Accounting.

You may use the check stock. When you print each of these checks, at the Print Checks Screen (shown below) simply use the correct check number and add an alpha character at the end. This will allow the check numbers to be re-used and also provide a close match to the Bank Statement when reconciling.

Please note: If you get to this point in a normal check run and realize you will not be printing this check on your check stock, you may change the check number at this same screen so you don't have to add the alpha character later. Make sure to include at least one alpha character in the number so you don't get your normal check numbers out of sequence.


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