PSFS Family Directory - Quick Reports: How to create a wedding anniversary report

How to create a wedding anniversary report

A  Wedding Anniversary report enables you to create a list of wedding anniversaries that includes each member's name and contact information. This report gives staff quick access to member wedding anniversary information that can be used for anniversary announcements, mailings, emails, and other wedding anniversary acknowledgments.

  1. Click Member List to display the member list page.
  2. If you want to generate a list of anniversaries for specific members, check the box to each member's name.
    • If you want to generate a complete list of member anniversaries, click the checkbox (in the column header) to select all members in the Member List.
  3. If you want to create a custom  wedding anniversary list
    • Click the funnel icon to open the Filter window.

  1. Enter or select your filter criteria.
    • If you want to create a wedding anniversary list for a specific family group or workgroup, select the family group or check the name of the workgroup. Then, click Apply.
    • If you want to create a list that shows members who are celebrating significant wedding anniversaries (for example, 1st, 10th, or 25th), click Advanced Options.
      • Scroll down to the  Wedding Anniversary option, check the desired milestone anniversaries, and then click Apply. If you want to run the list for the whole year, Jan - Dec, mark All then click Apply.
      • If you want to create a list of wedding anniversaries celebrated in a specific month, click Advanced Options. Scroll down to the Wedding Month option, check the desired month, and then click Apply.

  1. Click Quick Reports and select the Wedding Anniversaries

    • The Wedding Anniversaries report displays in the Report Viewer. The report shows the wedding date, years married, mailing name and address, and home phone number.


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