How to remove a pseudo check that was created in error also known as 'How to correct a bill/check that used a bank account as a line item'
A pseudo check is a check which debits and credits the same bank account. This is created by using the bank account as a line item in the bill and then assigning a check number or creating a check.
The only time a pseudo check should be created is when you are trying to record checks that were outstanding in a previous accounting system.
How to remove the pseudo check
To correct a pseudo check transaction which was entered in error, the check will need to be deleted to replace the bank account in the distribution with an expense account. Do Not void the check! Voiding the check will not fix the issue and will cause other issues. Once the check has been deleted, correct the bill and assign the same check to the bill.
The delete or edit options will not be available if any of the following is true:
- the check is marked as cleared on a bank reconciliation: churches who belong to a diocese who manages their account must contact the diocese to open the bank reconciliation; only independent church administrators may give support permission to re-open a bank reconciliation.
- the period is closed: churches who belong to a diocese who manages their account must contact the diocese to re-open a closed period; only independent church administrators may give support permission to re-open a closed period.
delete only: you do not have permission to delete: your church administrator or diocese may either give you permission to delete or may delete the item.
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