PSG Donors - Add Donor: How an administrator adds a new donor

How an administrator adds a new donor 

There are two ways that Donor Profiles can be created in ParishSOFT Giving:

  1. The donor can create a profile in the Donor Portal (New Donor Sign Up Instructions)
  2. A manager can create a profile for them on the giving site as instructed below.

How the giving site manager creates a donor profile

  1. To add a donor from the giving site, select Donors from the Navigator Bar (left).
  2. Click Add Donor.
  3. A new window prompting for information on the new donor will display.  Fields with a red asterisk are required. 
    • If your member does not want to supply an email address, see this article
    • Click Save when done.
  1. Once the profile is successfully saved, you'll get an alert in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.  Select Click Here to refresh the page.
  2. Once the donor has been added:
    • The new Donor will be on the Donor List.
    • The donor will receive a welcome email (if they're not a managed giver) to the email address you added for them, giving them their username. If your member does not want to supply an email address, see this article
      • The Donor should now be able to set up their password and log in to add gifts and payment methods.


Related Articles

How to create a donor account without a donor email address

How to merge multiple donor profiles


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