Reasons a particular account may not be archived
Each of the following must be false for any account you wish to archive
When the archive option is selected and the account is submitted, an error message will display giving you one or more reasons why the account could not be archived, enumerated below.
- the account has a balance; the balance must be journaled out in order to archive
- the account has a current or next year's budget; this may be zeroed out if the budget is not locked.
- Note: zeroing out a budget amount will change the Annual Budget totals and should be discussed with the finance committee
- the account is included in a Memorized Transaction
- the account is in a vendor distribution
- the account is in use as a default in payroll and one or all of the following must be updated:
- the account does not have transactions (delete the account instead)
- the account is assigned in Setup → Due To/From; once Due To/From is turned on, it is not unusual for it to have an immediate balance. When it is turned off, as long as the account had only Due To/From activity, the balance will go back to 0.
- the account is assigned in the Process → End of Year net asset accounts
Related Articles
How/when to archive an account
How to re-activate an archived account