PSFS Family Directory - Member List: How to create a children's envelope list

How to create a children's envelope list

  1. From the Member List, click the Sort Grid Columns icon.
  2. In the Select Grid Columns window, mark all the necessary checkboxes (including age).
  3. In the same window, select Save & Close.
  4. Click the Export to CSV​ icon.

  5. Open the CSV file and sort the list by "Envelope Number" so that all the blanks move to the top; delete all the rows that have no Envelope Number.
  6. Once you are left with only those members with envelope numbers, eliminate the adults from the list. To do this, start by doing a "Custom Sort" using the "Age" column and sort by age.
    customsort.jpg        age.jpg  
  7. Once the CSV is sorted by age, delete all the rows with ages that you do not want to have envelopes sent.
  8. Save the CSV and this is what you send to your vendor for your children's envelope list.


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