PSFS Family Directory - Member List: How to create a member birth date list and sort it by either birth month, day, or year

How to create a member birth date list and sort it by either birth month, day, or year

Create a member list and export it to a CSV file using the following steps. Then, use the simple formulas listed below to extract the month, day, or year. Finally, sort your list.

  1. Go to the Member List tab in the Family Directory.
  2. After filtering the list for only those people you would like to be listed, click on the grid icon to select the columns you would like to appear on your report.
  3. Click the export to CSV icon.
  4. Open the file in Excel, and use the simple formulas shown below to extract the day, month, or year from the birthday field.


How to extract the day, month, or year from a date field in a CSV file

The following instructions will show you how to extract all three of these fields (day, month, year) from the date field. Choose the one by which you want to sort your report (or you may add them all).

  1. Start by adding one column header for each date segment you would like to extract: Day, Month, Year. In the example below, where the birth date is in column A, we added the following column headers:
    • Day to column C
    • Month to column D
    • Year to column E
  2. Using the example below as your guide add the formula to the first row (in our case row 2) which contains the birth date which in this case is in column A: (Please note, you denote the column containing the birth date on your spreadsheet)
    •  =DAY(A2), press Enter
    •  =MONTH(A2), press Enter
    •  =YEAR(A2), press Enter
  3. You may then drag your formula down to the bottom row containing a birth date.

    • As you can see, the formula extracts the correlated section of the date and displays it in the cell.

  4. Finally, select all of the data in the report then use the custom sort to sort by whichever field you would like to have your records ordered.




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