PSFS Family Directory - Family List: How to move a member from an existing family into a new family record (Export to New Family) as the Head of Household

If a member needs to be exported from an existing family into their own record and also moved to a new church of registration (your church), see this article.


How to move a member from an existing family into a new family record (Export to New Family) as the Head of Household

  1. In the member record that you want to move, click the Edit Details button at the bottom of the screen:
  2. In the new window, select Export to New Family.
  3. You will be asked if you want to use the same address as is in the original family record. Select Yes or No:
  4. When you answer this prompt, you will be taken into the new family record. If you answer Yes, the address will be filled in; if you select No, you will be prompted to fill in the new address for this new family. 
  5. From this screen, you may save the record. If you have additional updates, you may select Save & Edit. Until you select one of the three Save buttons, no changes will have been made. Cancel will take you back to the Family List.

Note: Depending on the reason the record was moved, you may want to go back into the member details of the original family and update the details of the role for certain members. For example, in case of divorce, you may need to update the remaining spouse's record to indicate that they are not married. Also, member role, formal mailing name, formal salutation, informal salutation, and any other changes that may be applicable in Family Details should be addressed.


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