PSA L&P - Accounts: When to fully restrict access to certain accounts (Level 2)

When to fully restrict access to certain accounts

To restrict a user from accessing a particular bank account, your account structure must be set up with multiple entities and you must have Entity Level Restrictions turned on. If you do not have multiple entities, there is no way to restrict your users from accessing certain accounts.

If you have only one bank account but multiple entities, you may want your employees to have Level 1 Restrictions so they can write checks or make deposits out of the one bank account which contains an entity from which they have been restricted. Level 1 Restrictions will allow them limited access to the one bank account. See How to partially restrict access to certain accounts.

To fully restrict access to certain accounts you must have Level 2 Restrictions turned on.

To turn on Level 2 Restrictions, three things must be in place:

  • Entity Level Permissions must be turned on through Consolidation Manager. (Marking this option requires the highest level of access by managing organizations and is automatically turned on for organizations that are not under the management of a diocese)
  • Entity Level Restrictions must be turned on through Church Manager → Options (requires the Church Administrator access or above). This option becomes visible when Entity Level Permissions is marked.
  • User Permission Restrictions: once Entity Level Permissions is marked, the church administrator must mark the entities each user may have access to through the user's permissions (or unmark those they are to be restricted from). 

If these permissions have been updated for a user but the Entity Level Restrictions option is not marked, the user will only be partially restricted from using the account; see When to partially restrict access to certain accounts.


To learn how to set up these restrictions, read How to set up entity level account restrictions.




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