How to add a photo, change an existing photo, or delete a photo from a family record.
Specifications and display resolution for images
- Acceptable formats are .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp only
- Maximum allowed size is no larger than 0.5 megabytes
- MS Paint is a great application to use if you need to resize the photo or change the file extension.
- The image will be displayed at a resolution of 130x110 pixels on the Family Details tab.
In Family Directory, Family List, select the family for which you would like to add, delete, or change a photo. Then click the Edit Details button.
How to add or change a photo
When there is no current image, select the Add link under the photo placeholder to display the Upload Family Photo window:
When there is a current image that you want to change, select the Change link under the current photo to display the Upload Family Photo window:
- Click Browse and then navigate to the image file on your laptop or PC. Select the file to upload.
- If you get an Upload Failed message similar to the following, you may need to resize the image.
- After the file uploads, click Save & Close to save the photo.
How to delete a photo
When there is a current image that you want to delete, select the Delete link under the current photo.
How to resize an image using Paint and/or how to change the file extension (format)
MS Paint is just one application that may be used to resize a file or to change the file format. It is a Microsoft product and not supported by ParishSOFT. As a courtesy, we are providing the following information. The screenshots may not match your version of Paint.
- Right click on the image file in the File Explorer, select Open With → Paint. Or, open Paint and use File → Browse → Open the image. If your issue is the file format, go to step 4.
- Select main menu item Resize or Image → Stretch/Skew ...
- Change the Horizontal and Vertical percentages to a percentage less than 100. Keep the percentages equal to preserve the aspect ratio. (This will happen automatically if you have the Maintain aspect ratio checked.
- Select the main menu item File → Save As to save the resized image or to save the image in a new format. Make sure you save the file as one of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp
- You may now add the photo to the family record in Family Suite.
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