PSFS Family Directory - Family List: How to add, change, or delete a family's photo for a pictorial directory

How to add a photo, change an existing photo, or delete a photo from a family record.

Specifications and display resolution for images

  • Acceptable formats are .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp only
  • Maximum allowed size is no larger than 0.5 megabytes
  • MS Paint is a great application to use if you need to resize the photo or change the file extension.
  • The image will be displayed at a resolution of 130x110 pixels on the Family Details tab. 

In Family Directory, Family List, select the family for which you would like to add, delete, or change a photo. Then click the Edit Details button.


How to add or change a photo

When there is no current image, select the Add link under the photo placeholder to display the Upload Family Photo window:

When there is a current image that you want to change, select the Change link under the current photo to display the Upload Family Photo window:

  1. Click Browse and then navigate to the image file on your laptop or PC. Select the file to upload.
  2. If you get an Upload Failed message similar to the following, you may need to resize the image.
  3. After the file uploads, click Save & Close to save the photo.  


How to delete a photo

When there is a current image that you want to delete, select the Delete link under the current photo.



How to resize an image using Paint and/or how to change the file extension (format)

MS Paint is just one application that may be used to resize a file or to change the file format. It is a Microsoft product and not supported by ParishSOFT. As a courtesy, we are providing the following information. The screenshots may not match your version of Paint.

  1. Right click on the image file in the File Explorer, select Open With → Paint. Or, open Paint and use File → Browse → Open the image. If your issue is the file format, go to step 4.
  2. Select main menu item Resize or Image → Stretch/Skew ... 
  3. Change the Horizontal and Vertical percentages to a percentage less than 100. Keep the percentages equal to preserve the aspect ratio. (This will happen automatically if you have the Maintain aspect ratio checked.
  4. Select the main menu item File → Save As to save the resized image or to save the image in a new format. Make sure you save the file as one of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp
  5. You may now add the photo to the family record in Family Suite.



Related Articles

About the family list page

How to view or update a family's record


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