How to reset staff passwords and update staff usernames from within Family Suite
- Under Administration, select Manage Staff:
- Find the user's staff record and click on their name.
- Choose the Assignments tab and then Edit Details:
- To change the staff credentials, do the following:
- Check the email address and make sure it's accurate. If not: 1) Click into the email address field and update it. 2) Click the Save button at the bottom. 3) Click Edit Details again.
- To update the username: 1) Click into the Username field and update it. 2) Click the Save button at the bottom.
- To update the password: Click Edit Details again, then the Reset Password button.
- You will get an alert telling you that the password reset email has been sent. Click OK.
- Click Save & Close.
You should receive an email with a temporary password in a few seconds. If it doesn't come through, try checking your spam or junk folder.
Although the temporary password may be shorter the permanent password must have 8 characters and contain atleast one number and one special character.
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