PSFS Administration - Manage Staff: How to reset staff passwords and update staff usernames from within Family Suite

How to reset staff passwords and update staff usernames from within Family Suite

  1. Under Administration, select Manage Staff:
  2. Find the user's staff record and click on their name.
  3. Choose the Assignments tab and then Edit Details: 
  1. To change the staff credentials, do the following:  
    • Check the email address and make sure it's accurate. If not: 1) Click into the email address field and update it. 2) Click the Save button at the bottom. 3) Click Edit Details again.
    • To update the username: 1) Click into the Username field and update it. 2) Click the Save button at the bottom.
    • To update the password:  Click Edit Details again, then the Reset Password button.
    • You will get an alert telling you that the password reset email has been sent.  Click OK.
  1. Click Save & Close.

You should receive an email with a temporary password in a few seconds. If it doesn't come through, try checking your spam or junk folder. 

Although the temporary password may be shorter the permanent password must have 8 characters and contain atleast one number and one special character. 


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